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How to Keep Your Pool Clean and Clear: 6 Maintenance Tips

If you ask us, there's no better way to cool down during a hot, summer day than to either swim in the ocean or in a swimming pool. If you have your own pool, then you should definitely consider yourself lucky, because you're able to jump in any time you want to.

The only drawback of owning a swimming pool is the fact that you need to maintain it on a regular basis if you want to make sure you are swimming in crystal-clear water. And the truth is, it can be very time-consuming.

But on a more positive note, there are various things that you can do to ensure your pool is always in tip-top shape. If you want to find out what you can do to accomplish this, then just simply scroll below.

Let’s Begin With Vacuuming 

Vacuuming is intended solely for your home but for your swimming pool too. You may think that this is a very logical suggestion, however, you wouldn't believe how many people forget to do this, or at least they do not do it frequently.

What they fail to realize is that by doing so, they will make sure their pool is free from any dirt and contaminants that may lead to infection. If you've never employed pool vacuums before, then we will tell you right now that they work similarly to hardwood and indoor carpet vacuums.

What we generally love about this tip is the fact that you can clean everything properly relatively fast without wasting too much time. it’s going to efficiently help you get rid of all the algae and debris. 

So how often are you supposed to do it? According to the experts, this is something that must be done on a weekly basis. Besides that, you should also brush the pool’s steps, walls, and floors to eliminate the dirt, and skim the water’s surface to ensure no leaves are around, along with other things.

Looking For Something Efficient? Opt For A Robotic Pool Cleaner!

Are you tired of using conventional pressure-side pool cleaners, or suction cleaners? If the answer is yes, then it's time to move on to something that's a lot faster and more effective. When we say this, we refer to robotic swimming pool cleaner which is one of the latest inventions provided by technology. Not only are they faster, but they can run completely independently as well.

All you need to do is to set the cleaner at any time that’s most convenient for you, and by the time you finish all other chores and obligations, your swimming pool is going to look impeccable once again.

Another superb thing about it is that it doesn’t make any sounds, which means it’s not going to disturb you if you’re sleeping or doing any tasks that require full concentration and peace. Once it’s done, you just need to pull out the cleaner, and that’s about it! How simple is that?

Don’t Forget To Gauge The pH Value In The Pool

In case you didn't know, the pH value is here to gauge the acidity of the water inside your swimming pool. The lower the value, the better the disinfection of the swimming pool. However, you must pay attention to the value that's suitable for your skin too.

Experts suggest to ensure that the pH value of your pool is somewhere between 7.2 and 7.6. When it’s 7.0 it means that the water is neutral. A higher value shows that the value is basic, while anything that’s below 7.0 means that the water is acidic.

So how can you determine the pH value of your swimming pool? It’s very simple actually. You can always employ test strips. The colors on these strips will show you whether the values are right or not.

If you conclude that the pH value is very high, it means that you’re at great risk of dealing with lime deposits and algae formation. Keep in mind that a high pH value isn’t good for your skin and eyes.

In fact, it can be detrimental to them. If you notice that it's currently very high, then you'll need to add pH minus in order to lower the value. On the other hand, a pH value that's too low is also bad for your skin and health in general, because it can irritate your eyes.

Don’t Forget The Filter 

There are several types of filters that can be found in the pool. The most common ones include sand, cartridge, and diatomaceous earth. Even though every single one of them requires different cleaning methods, they all have one thing in common, they must be cleaned on a regular basis.

Of course, bear in mind that you also shouldn’t exaggerate as far as this is concerned. What do we mean by that? It means that if you clean it too often, you may actually disrupt the entire filtration process. 

Therefore, it’s much better for the filter to have a small amount of dirt, than to be “too” clean, if you understand what we mean.

Let’s Discuss The Water Level

Swimming pools generally tend to lose water through use and evaporation. Don’t forget that the water levels shouldn’t fall below the skimmer intake tubes. Why is that? Well, that’s because it can completely ruin the pump. 

That’s why the only thing you’re supposed to do is to put a running garden hose into the swimming pool for a couple of minutes in order to refill it. But before you do so, be sure to check the water restrictions in your area.

Cover The Pool When You’re Not Utilizing It

One of the simplest, yet most effective tips is precisely this one. Once you’re done with using your swimming pool, make sure to cover it. By doing so, you are going to prevent leaves, dirt, and insects from entering it.

As you can see, there are so many different steps that you can take to ensure your swimming pool stays clean all the time. Since none of these tips are demanding, we do not see any reason why you wouldn’t maintain it regularly.

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