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5 Best Practices for Moving on a Budget

Moving is always stressful. Between days and weeks of packing, organizing transport, transferring utilities, and a whole host of other duties, it is a crazy and expensive endeavor.

What if you don’t have that much money to spare? Most of our wallets are empty, and even if we have some extra cash, the last thing we want to do is spend it all on moving. This is supposed to be an exciting time with new beginnings. However, often, you are left with extra expenditures, and then it’s financial catch-up for the next few months.

Is there a cheaper way to relocate? Yes, there is, and with some knowledge and planning, you can reduce the cost quite a bit. Moving to a new place shouldn’t be a financial hit, so use these tips and keep that hard-earned money in your pockets where it belongs.

Here are some great tips for moving on a budget.

Time Your Move if You Can

Moving companies account for many moving expenses and are very busy during the peak season. This translates to higher prices, so plan your move around these times.

Fall and winter are the cheapest seasons because there is less demand, and if you can arrange a midweek moving day, it’s even better. To avoid extra hours during the move, arrange it for midday, when there is no rush hour. This is so your moving truck isn’t sitting in traffic, raking up hours.

Portable Storage Containers

When the big day arrives, there is a flurry of activity and coordination to make your move happen. Often, it takes several days to relocate successfully, with an expensive moving truck and strong workers hauling the big stuff. Endless vehicle trips follow this. You will have to pay for the movers and miss several workdays, which means less income on payday.

When you are about a week or two from your last day at your old residence, get a storage container dropped off at your front door. This is how these businesses work. You can order a container for any date and keep it for as long as you like for a daily or weekly fee.

You can methodically pack it up according to your schedule and call for a pickup. The container can be delivered directly to your new place or held in a secure facility until needed.

Packing Materials

Another expense when moving is packing materials. These foam chips and bubble wrapping don’t need to be part of your move. You can fill voids in your boxes with sheets, towels, and other linen. Old newspapers, shopping bags, and clothing also work well.

Don’t Buy Moving Boxes

Moving boxes and packaging can get expensive fast, but you don’t need to spend a dime on them. Instead, use fruit boxes. These are bulk produce boxes found in the grocery store. Apple and banana boxes are best because they are sturdy, stackable, and can fit many items inside.

Another alternative is to use your luggage. Your luggage has to be packed for the move anyway, so you can fill it with clothing from your closet and even delicate items that can be wrapped up for travel.

Instead of taking all your clothes out, packing them in a box and loading the dresser into a moving truck, leave the clothes in the drawers. They stack well, and the empty dresser will be lighter for moving around. You can also get suitable boxes at the liquor store or office, which won’t cost anything.

Be Flexible

Building on the moving truck costs, if you are flexible with your dates, moving companies may give you a better deal if you fit into their schedule. Make sure to ask for a reduced price. This is because if they don’t have a booking for certain days, trucks are parked, and they earn no money.

When you get to your new home, it will be waiting for you to unpack and haul away as you slowly empty it. This eliminates the need for movers and their trucks, the hassle of lining up family and friends and their vehicles, and the frantic pace of a single day to move. Plus, you don’t have to take time off work. With everything considered, a portable storage container will fit your budget.

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