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Nature-Inspired Concrete Overlay Designs

Summer is around the corner, and you may now be planning to revamp the patios and backyards in your properties. Nature-inspired themes are ideas you would instantly think about when you imagine outdoor settings. Your decks built on concrete floors would blend perfectly what the lush green sceneries outdoors.  

Aside from the conventional green grassy landscapes, what else can you do to design the outdoors with concrete floors?

Wait no more. Here are the latest outdoor floors, backyard, and patio designs for you to try.

Here are a few stylish outdoor ideas to match your nature-inspired decorative concrete floors:

  • Build canopy tents
  • Add outdoor furniture
  • Hang-in daybeds or wooden swings
  • Use eco-friendly propane fire pits
  • Add stained-glass sun-catchers around the patio 

You’ll get to know more about each idea in the following discussion. But, before you go ahead and plan the design for the outdoor floors, here are some factors you need to consider when transforming your nature-themed patio and backyard concrete floors.

  • Design and materials 
  • Furniture themes
  • Area size of the outdoor floor 
  • The concrete overlay cost
  • Will you hire contractors or DIY
  • The condition of the existing concrete floor 
  • How will you use the patio or outdoors most of the time

(Photo by Arcwind on Unsplash)

Designing the concrete patio floors and a backyard that looks one with nature

After considering the factors when redesigning the outdoor areas and planning the materials to use, you can now take on matching the floors to the entire outdoor theme. 

1. Designing with canopy tents

One way to get your patios inspired by Nature is to set up outdoor tents or canopy-styled lounging areas. You always have a palace to sit and relax and get enough shade while you enjoy getting sun-kissed in your backyard. 

Canopy tents are easy to create by using wooden posts or columns. Or wooden trellis where vines crawl to emphasize the green sceneries. You can use a makeshift roof with thin or sky sheets around the column or trellis, and it goes with the warmth of the daylight and adds a sense of calm to the entire setting.

2. Choosing the matching outdoor furniture

Are you familiar with OASI chairs? These are marble chairs shaped into swirling natural stones. A popular design of these nature-themed seats is by Keero, and check them out on their website. 

These outdoor chairs consist of marbled stone as the base of the whole structure. Then a circular plate is placed on top to serve as the pad for sitting on it. The top layer where you could sit is usually made of dark wood. 

Having these chairs adds a playful ambiance to the outdoors or patios without compromising the look of Nature. Nature-themed designs do not have to remain traditional and boring. Try this, or you could also use your innovativeness by making a DIY-inspired version of it. 

3. Adding hanging daybeds

What more can make you enjoy Nature but to have a space where you can feel the natural fresh air and feel the natural warmth of sunlight. As night closes in, you want to feel the natural breeze of the cooling afternoon air. 

Make this moment complete when you swing by the porch and feel the peace and calm outdoors with the plants and the sound of musical insects. 

Hanging daybeds are an excellent addition to this type of setup. 

4. Using eco-friendly fire pits

Building concrete floors with fire pis are a usual design for patios. It seems that the outdoor theme is not complete without adding a camping vibe to the plan. 

But now, you can not only design by Nature but also for Nature. Use eco-friendly fire palace systems like propane-powered fire pits. Propane is a substance with less CO2 emission, and Nature will love this for sure.

5. Design the patio with sun-catchers

Usually, you would design the patio floors with the typical residential concrete Las Vegas, or decorative stamped concrete floors by a local contractor near you. However, people would prefer a more modern, minimal style like polished concrete. If you found the plain polished surface boring, why not use a sun catcher.

You would usually are sun-catchers as accents beside the windows. These items catch the ray of light from the sun. Depending on the sync catcher, the pieces traditionally made of stenciled patterns or stained glasses would reflect the light bearing a distinct pater. Or this is the effect of the sunlight hitting the object and reflecting the shadow that designs any concrete surface where it hit. 

Adapt these items around the patio and see the light create patterned shadow, creating life on the concrete floor. Finally, with that mechanism, be inspired by the power of the natural sun playing with shadows to create natural shapes and designs.

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